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Toy Customizing is the lifeblood of the designer toy world,
inspiring much of the vinyl and resin toy production out there in more ways than we can count.
Thanks to dozens of amazing hard working customizers there’s never a slow week and their contributions to the community of designer toys never stop.
And Neither do they.
Customizers start trends, movements, launch brands and careers! These unsung ladies and men frankly are the force that drive our fledgling sector to make other industries like contemporary art, fashion, music and NFT sit up and take notice! They are the meat and potatoes of the blogs, podcasts and social media, keeping the scene news fresh, alive and inspiring. Showing that it’s not just a one way street of producers decisions but is a direct participation with the community that molds the future of design and prodution.
Martian Toys would like to thank these folks and thinks they should be acknowledged.
This is less an “award show” but more a “Reward Show”
Let’s come together for the real Custom Toy warriors in the trenches day in and day out
Not the masters that perform toy sorcery once or twice a year (there’s an award for that already)
Martian Toys is taking nominations for the
To find the leaders in this craft and reward their blood, sweat, and tears with production, notariety, & vinyl.
If this is you, or you know an artist customizing toys that fits the role please share
This award is based on 5 criteria:

we know few possess the 5 at the level we are looking for but all customizers share many of these traits with the community regularly and all will be considered and appreciated
inspiring much of the vinyl and resin toy production out there in more ways than we can count.
Thanks to dozens of amazing hard working customizers there’s never a slow week and their contributions to the community of designer toys never stop.
And Neither do they.
Customizers start trends, movements, launch brands and careers! These unsung ladies and men frankly are the force that drive our fledgling sector to make other industries like contemporary art, fashion, music and NFT sit up and take notice! They are the meat and potatoes of the blogs, podcasts and social media, keeping the scene news fresh, alive and inspiring. Showing that it’s not just a one way street of producers decisions but is a direct participation with the community that molds the future of design and prodution.
Martian Toys would like to thank these folks and thinks they should be acknowledged.
This is less an “award show” but more a “Reward Show”
Let’s come together for the real Custom Toy warriors in the trenches day in and day out
Not the masters that perform toy sorcery once or twice a year (there’s an award for that already)
Martian Toys is taking nominations for the
To find the leaders in this craft and reward their blood, sweat, and tears with production, notariety, & vinyl.
If this is you, or you know an artist customizing toys that fits the role please share
This award is based on 5 criteria:

we know few possess the 5 at the level we are looking for but all customizers share many of these traits with the community regularly and all will be considered and appreciated
What does Customizer of the Year get you?
Other than much deserved accolades and pats on the back
Martian Toys will be offering some great rewards to all qualifying participants!
1st Place
Limited Edition Resin Figure designed by YOU
Production Colorway on Future Martian Toys Release
2nd Place
Production Colorway on Future Martian Toys Release
Pile O Vinyl to Customize!
3rd Place
$`1000 worth of Martian Toys Vinyl for Customizing!
Each Qualifying Participant Gets Prizes Too!
We will hold voting by the Public and Notable Figures in the Designer Toy community to find Customizer of the Year, to be Announced in Mid January 2022
Qualifying Nominees will be requested to share a
10 piece sampling of their work
if not already submitted at nomination
Click Here to Return to Voting

Please Share and Nominate Yourselves and Others!
Long Live the Customizer!