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Click or scroll to zoom
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Click or scroll to zoom
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Click or scroll to zoom
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Click or scroll to zoom
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Click or scroll to zoom
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Click or scroll to zoom
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Click or scroll to zoom
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Click or scroll to zoom
Tap or pinch to zoom

Click or scroll to zoom
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Click or scroll to zoom
Tap or pinch to zoom

Click or scroll to zoom
Tap or pinch to zoom

Click or scroll to zoom
Tap or pinch to zoom

Click or scroll to zoom
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Click or scroll to zoom
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Part of the Dekkai Dragon76 show for NYCC 2022. Each piece is 1 of 1 and customized using various sculpting and hand painting teqniques. If a particular piece is sold out and you're interested in further work by the artist. We would be happy to put you in direct contact with the artist. Martian Toys will also be selling blank / unpainted vinyls of designs by Dragon76 and other artists which you may use to commission the artist of your choice presuming the artist's commission list is open.